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How To Remove Acne - 7 Powerful Home Remedies For Acne

Getting a big, red pimple on your face happens to everyone, but that doesn't mean you have to accept defeat and wait patiently until the blemish goes away. There are many ways to treat adult acne, but first, it's important to understand the basics of how and why acne occurs in the first place. Let us know how to remove acne by trying some home remedies.


7 Powerful Home Remedies For Acne

In one word, “acne” is a pain! And the worst part is, they make a grand entry on our face when we least want them to.

Each day, people spend thousands on expensive acne treatments while you can treat this condition easily at home by implementing many simple and easy to carry out remedies. To get you started, here are a few!

Aloe Vera

This cool gel is amazing for your skin! Simply cut an aloe shoot in half, scrape out the gel with a spoon, and apply to the acne.

Make this a regular ritual, and you'll be able to say goodbye to bacterial infections and acne-causing inflammation. 

You can also purchase Aloe Vera gel for skincare from a herbal store, but make certain that it does not contain any hidden ingredients. 


Are you ready for skin that is soothing, lovable, and baby-like?


Echinacea, which has been shown to speed up the healing process, also aids in the control of acne, pimples, and other skin infections.


You can either use Echinacea tea as a regular face wash or dab a few drops of the tea on the affected areas with a soft cloth or cotton.


Chamomile is another valuable ingredient that can be used to prevent acne and pimples. 

This ingredient can be used in two ways: first, empty the contents of a chamomile tea bag into a blender, add water, and blend into a smooth paste. 

Apply this paste to your face and say good-by to acne! Alternatively, one to two chamomile tea bags in two cups of water can be boiled. 


Allow the mixture to cool before applying it to your blemishes for the same beneficial effect on your skin. 

Incorporate this step into your skin-care regimen.


Mint aids in the removal of clogged pores and the control of bacterial infections. 

Mix two tablespoons of finely chopped fresh mint with two tablespoons of yogurt and oatmeal to help keep your skin acne-free. 


Apply a smooth paste to your face after whisking the ingredients together. Allow ten minutes for drying before rinsing with cool water.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice gets a lot of brownie points when it comes to treating acne because of its astringent and exfoliating properties. 

Simply squeeze a lemon into a bowl and sprinkle with a few drops of rose water. Apply this solution to the affected area, such as the neck or face, with a cotton ball.


This will not only prevent pimples from appearing, but it will also improve the appearance of scars and give your skin a healthy glow. 

This is the only natural technique to keep acne and pimples under control.


Your everyday toothpaste can also help you treat acne and remove the scars it leaves behind. 

Simply apply a small amount of toothpaste to the affected regions and watch the pimples shrink in size over the course of a few days.



This nutrient powerhouse is also a viable option for acne and pimple therapy. 

Allow a healthy amount of honey to dry on the acne. 


Wash off after an hour or so. 

Honey's sticky nature aids in the removal of debris from skin pores.

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